Day 359: Glacial Stream

Today’s photo is from Mt Kenya in the Teleki Valley. This stream flows from some of the glaciers further up the mountain. It was a beautiful spot, but rather cold!

On another note… only 1 more week to go. For some reason though, my stats have fallen away over the last two weeks. Even though yesterdays image was my 4th most liked image, I only received 8 visits. Odd. Anyway.. I’m glad you all liked the image!

This photograph, like all my others on this site, are licensed under Creative Commons. You are free to share and repost, provided you link back and give credit where it’s due. If you are a recent follower, you may want to use these links to see my earlier posts from Kenya or African images. You can also find me on FacebookTwitter, and 500px.

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Day 255: Flowing Stream

We were headed back to our camp ground and stopped to take pictures of a mountain goat and it’s kid. I took the opportunity to wander back down the road and get this shot. Since it was 6:30 pm I was able to get a nice exposure length with my ND filter. As I was taking the filter out of it’s case I accidentally dropped it. Fortunately there were no scratches and I’ve used it plenty of times since. The settings were stopped down to f/29 so I could get 0.8 seconds exposure at 26mm.

As a side note, I’m really loving WordPress’s new country stats. It’s cool to see where all you visitors come from!

My book, On Safari in Kenya, is available from the Blurb online bookstore with photos from my safaris on the Maasai Mara, Kenya. You can also find me on Facebook or see more of my shots from Montana, the US and North America with these links.

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Day 231: Umpqua Streams

From California, we drove north and camped in the Crater Lake area of Oregon. On one of our days there we explored the Umpqua National Forest and found places like this all over.

Find me on Facebook or see more of my shots from OregonThe United States and North America with these links.

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