Day 267: Mesa Arch

Some of you may have noticed that I added a sticky post to the top of my home page that showcases the thumbnails of the five most ‘liked’ images I’ve posted. I am going to try to update it each day when I check the blog in the morning if necessary. I’d love to use a widget to show popular posts, but I don’t want to use a sidebar and the footer is too far to scroll… Do you think this is a good idea?

After viewing the sunrise and the way it lit up the cliffs at Dead Horse Point, we drove on to our original destination in Canyonlands National Park — Mesa Arch. Since the sunrise was over, we got this place to ourselves which was nice. It meant we could move around more freely for various compositions. As you can see in the image above, the sun was still doing its thing, lighting up the underside of the arch so we got a few photos.

My book, On Safari in Kenya, is available from the Blurb online bookstore with photos from my safaris on the Maasai Mara, Kenya. You can also find me on Facebook or see more of my shots from Utah, the US and North America with these links.

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Day 266: Delicate Silhouette

Today is Post 266. That means there are only 100 more photos until I reach the end of my project. Time is going by so fast!

We made the hike up to Delicate Arch in Arches National Park for sunset hoping for some nice colours, but it was mostly clouded over so we didn’t get to see it light up like usually does. I still came away with a few nice photos though.

My book, On Safari in Kenya, is available from the Blurb online bookstore with photos from my safaris on the Maasai Mara, Kenya. You can also find me on Facebook or see more of my shots from Utah, the US and North America with these links.

Thanks for looking. Join the conversation below!

Day 265: 21 for 21 (so far)

Today WordPress released a Milestones feature that many of you would have noticed. I was kindly awarded two badges today by the friendly folks at WP — I passed 1000 likes (I actually have 1138 at time of posting but I guess they released the feature today) and it was my best day for likes so far (21 on March 21). Thanks for all the likes everyone — as WP said on their blog post, it really does make us bloggers smile when our posts are appreciated!

This photo is from Dead Horse Point in Dead Horse Point State Park, Utah. We were wanting to get to Mesa Arch for sunrise but weren’t going to make it so chose to go to this closer location instead. It was definitely not as crowded. There was maybe only one or two other vehicles in the parking lot that morning.

My book, On Safari in Kenya, is available from the Blurb online bookstore with photos from my safaris on the Maasai Mara, Kenya. You can also find me on Facebook or see more of my shots from Utah, the US and North America with these links.

Thanks for looking. Join the conversation below!

Day 264: Balancing In The Wind

From Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming, we continued towards Utah and Arches National Park. We chose a route that took us through Idaho just so we can say we’ve been there, but I don’t actually think I have any photos from those few hours. This is Balancing Rock in Arches NP just outside the town of Moab, Utah. As we stood here we watched the storm rolling in across the landscape. The wind was crazy, but I was able to get a couple of good shots with my tripod. This is an HDR image from three shots (-1,0,+1).

My book, On Safari in Kenya, is available from the Blurb online bookstore with photos from my safaris on the Maasai Mara, Kenya. You can also find me on Facebook or see more of my shots from Utah, the US and North America with these links.

Thanks for looking. Join the conversation below!